Dystopia: The multifaceted genre

In the penguin English dictionary, a dystopia is defined as a wretched place. Definition of Dystopia . Dystopia has been more or less incorporated as a genre of its own in literature. As a literary genre, dystopia can be said to be "a subgenre of science fiction or speculative fiction, it depicts a narrative environment in which society has all but broken down and extreme forms of governmental, societal or environmental disorder have taken over" Dystopian Fiction by Oxford . In dystopian fiction, most of the story is set several years into the future, and as a result there is evidence of technological advancement. Science fiction deals with technology and there is a wide range of technology in dystopian fiction. Perhaps this is why it is seen as a subset of science fiction. A theme in dystopian environments is the assumption that it is a utopia. A utopia is meant to be a perfect place where the govern...